West Seattle Blog… | January 2022 Alki Community Council Meeting


January 20, 2022 at 7:00 p.m.




Alki UCC
6115 SW hinds
West of Seattle

Meet in person and on ZOOM

Alki Community Council

7:00 p.m., Thursday, January 20, 2022

Alki United Church of Christ

6115 SW Hinds St


Equity versus equality (“that all men are created equal”, Declaration of Independence)

2) Introducing the new Southwest Operations Manager / Head Gardener for Seattle Parks

Overview of the Statue of Liberty Volunteer Opportunity of the Year.

3) Review of the new Alki Community Council website

4) Suggested topics for the coming year.

Alki UCC has asked us to follow their protocol, which you are likely familiar with, for entering other locations. The main guidelines are:

Face masks are compulsory for all participants.
There will be a health check form to be completed upon entering the building.
Chairs will be moved away.
After the meeting has started, the entrance doors will be locked, with a number given in the text for entry. (That number should be 206-890-0772.)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 995 1615 6974

Access code: 638862

One-click mobile

+12063379723,,99516156974#,,,,*638862# United States (Seattle)