Collapse of the Supreme Court of New Zealand – A Tale of two Kims

Sending a New Zealand resident to China for trial when the Chinese justice system is so horribly corrupt comes as a shock to the rocker…

Supreme Court decision to allow extradition to China sparks global concern

Politicians in Western democracies are concerned about the decision of the Supreme Court of New Zealand to authorize extradition to China.

The high court said it was satisfied with China’s assurances that a New Zealand resident, Kyung Yup Kim, would receive a fair trial in China on a murder charge.

ACT leader David Seymour joined the chorus of human rights defenders on Thursday, calling the Supreme Court’s decision “completely wrong”.

“If they seriously think that a person is going to get a fair trial in a country ruled by the CCP, then they are dreaming,” he said.

…it’s exactly the same situation playing out with Kim Dotcom, except that with Kim, the crimes he is accused of by America are not on the extradition list.

The Supreme Court is not only the embodiment of independent New Zealand justice and law, it is also meant to uphold New Zealand values!

TDB recommends

Returning a New Zealand resident to a corrupt communist regime that abuses the rule of law is NOT a New Zealand value.

Removal of a New Zealand resident to a corrupt US regime attempting to create precedence of US sovereignty over cyberspace for Corporate Hollywood virtue reporting copyright infringement that is not even on the extradition list is NOT a New Zealand value.

Supreme Court may adopt Maori values ​​when rendering judgmentbut not New Zealand values???

The Supreme Court rejected New Zealand.

The most depressing part of it all is that it’s all now left to the less confident Labor Minister, Kris Faafoi, where his statue of justice is deaf, blind and mute.

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